The Park Authority informs that the possibility to walk along with dogs (always on a leash) has been experimentally extended from July 19th to August 31st 2014 on other footpaths and routes of the Park, in addition to those already listed in the appendix of art. 11 of the Park Regulation and valley bottom areas.

Below are listed the allowed itineraries:



Ceresole – Moies

Ceresole Reale

Serrù – Nivolet (street)

Ceresole Reale

Carro – Vaccheria – Cernera

Ceresole Reale

Diga Telessio – Rifugio Pontese


Fey – Sant’Anna


Ronco – Nivolastro

Ronco Canavese

Andorina – Nivolastro

Ronco Canavese

Valprato Soana

Località Andorina - Valprato Capoluogo

Valprato Soana

Piamprato – Vandiliana

Valprato Soana

Pont – Croce Roley – Rif. Chivasso



We also report the appendix of art. 11, par. 2, letter D, for which the following routes can be used with dogs on a leash during the period July 15th – August 31st:


Azaria road (including the circuit of the tourist and sporting route) up to Barmaion;

Footpath from Molino di Forzo and Tressi to Boschietto and Boschiettiera.


Footpath from Valnontey to the bridge at Erfaulet Footpath;

Footpath from Valnontey to the Sella Refuge.


Footpath from Pont to Vittorio Emanuele II Refuge;

Footpath from Alpeggio Terré to Chabod Refuge.

There are no penalties for transit on the royal hunting road from Vers le Bois to Orvieilles (Valsavarenche), only for the purposes listed in the third period of par. 1, art.7.