- Project beginning year: 1994

- Project duration: Long term research program 

- Territory extension

The research program on the PNGP alpine ibex is currently focused on the study area of Levionaz (around 2000 hectares) for the behavioural ecology and life history aspects. On the population dinamics researches in progress, the whole surface of the PNGP is interested (72.000 hectares), while some of the specific projects have a transalpine relevance (comparisons with the Swiss populations and in particular the Swiss National Park regarding to the Interreg GREAT project)

- Introduction

The Gran Paradiso National Park, since its foundation, has always given great importance to the research and conservation activity and of its symbol species: the alpine ibex. More than a direct involvement for reintroducing and conserving the species on the whole alpine arch, in the last years the efforts for long term scientific researches have increased. Since 1999, in particular, in the Levionaz study area, an intensive study program about behavioural ecology, life history and ibex genetics is in progress, in collaboration with the University of Pavia, Sassari, Sherbrooke (Canada) and Zurich and with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Milan. 

The research program provides marking through collars and coloured ear tags of a wide number of animals, so that it will be possible: to collect biological samples, informations about multiple years regarding behaviour, survival, reproduction and resources allocation strategies, and be able to follow the population dynamic.

In the last years, in particular, great attention has been devoted to the reduction causes of the ibex population in the Park. In 2014 moreover, in cooperation with the Swiss National Park, the project INTERREG Italy-Switzerland GREAT (Big Herbivores in the Changing alpine Environments) has been concluded. 

- Research projects (in italian):

Publications (in italian)

- Involved Universities and Research Bodies:

Centro Studi Fauna Alpina, Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso
(Dr. Bruno Bassano e Dr. Achaz von Hardenberg)

Dipartimento Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente, Università degli Studi di Pavia(link is external)
(Prof. G. Bogliani(link is external))

Dipartimento di Zoologia e Genetica Evoluzionistica, Università degli Studi di Sassari(link is external)
(Prof. M. Apollonio(link is external))

Département de Biologie, Università di Sherbrooke, Canada(link is external) 
(Prof. M. Festa-Bianchet(link is external))

Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Svizzera(link is external)
(Prof. L. Keller(link is external))

Dipartimento di Parassitologia, Università di Milano
(Prof. P. Lanfranchi(link is external))

National Centre for Statistical Ecology, University of Kent(link is external)
(Dr. Rachel McCrea(link is external)  e Prof. Byron Morgan(link is external))

Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima CNR, Torino(link is external)
(Dr. A. Provenzale)

Gruppo di Ricerca sulla modellistica e gestione dei sistemi ambientali, Politecnico di Milano(link is external) 
(Prof. Marino Gatto)

Parco Nazionale Svizzero(link is external)
(Dr. Flurin Filli)