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[collapse title=Position]The facility is placed in Lillaz hamlet, around 3 km from Veulla, and is easily reachable through the SR 47. Near it you'll find the Geologic Park and an accessible itinerary that brings you to the Lillaz waterfall. Through the exposure in logical sequence of large blocks of rock, it permits to discover the geological structure of Cogne valley. The path is designed to be usable by everyone, with aids and braille explaining signage. At around 3,5 km, in the Cogne villaggio minatori, it's possible to visit the Visitors Centre TutelAttiva. [/collapse]

[collapse title=Car Park] The structure has a wide parking space and a car park in the basement on the back of the building.

There is not a dedicated parking for disabled but spaces are wide enough to guarantee the service. The bottom of the parking area is in asphalt and there are no gradients between the pavement and the parking. We suggest you to inform about your arrival in order to obtain a suitable and comfortable parking space. [/collapse]

[collapse title=Entrance] The entrance is immediately close to the parking and there aren't any accessibility problems. [/collapse]

[collapse title=Internal paths] The internal routes and the common area don't have obstacles of any kind and the moving spaces are enough. There are no aids or tactile routes for blind people. The structure is also equipped with a lift to reach the various floors of the building.[/collapse]

[collapse title=Reception] The counter is not equipped to serve a disabled, both for heights and for signs, but there are no obstacles that don't allow to use it in any way. [/collapse]

[collapse title=Apartment for disabled] 

Apartment furnished with double bed and private bathroom easily accessible from the common area on the ground floor.

The entrance is accessible and doesn't have obstacles; the entrance door is wide enough and has a traditional opening system. Internal spaces are enough for a wheelchair movements.

The bathroom is accesicle directly from the bedroom, without gradients and, according to the rules: there is enough moving space, bathroom fittings are specifically for disabled and there are sustaining handrails and ground shower. 
The room is also equipped with a traditional kitchenette.
There are no aids or tactile paths for blind people. [/collapse]

For more informations visit the page Residence Les Nigritelles

Structure location
Lillaz 21, Cogne
Cogne valley
Tipo struttura
Quality Label structures
Map data