The Executive Committee is made up as follows:
- the President of the National Park that presides: Italo Cerise
- Vice President of the National Park: Danilo Crosasso
- one member appointed by the Executive Council: Giuseppe Dupont
The tasks of the Executive Committee are the following:
a) the preparation of proposals and deeds belonging to the Executive Committee, to be included in the agenda;
b) the approval of preliminary documents for planning, of preliminary projects of Public Works and of the variations that exceed the approved economic framework
c) the adoption of the deliberations referred to it by the Executive Council;
d) the adoption of all those deeds that affect the Institution’s activity, that are not reserved by law or by-laws, to the Executive Council or the President, and that are not within the province, established by the law or the by-laws, of the Park Director.
For more informations about the tasks of the Executive Council see the By-laws of the Institution Gran Paradiso National Park – Executive Council.