Cogne, at 1.544 m. a.s.l., it's a village of around 1500 inhabitants, placed in the southern part of the Region of Valle d'Aosta.
The territory extends for 21.304 hectars (213,04 km²), of which 13.800 included in the Gran Paradiso National Park.
Considered the small capital of the Park, Cogne is the most estensive municipality of Valle d’Aosta and its surface, above the Park, is protected for over 95%, thanks to 3 SCI (Site of Community Importance) and one SPA (Special Protection Area).
The village is surrounded by a green velvety surface, the Sant’Orso Meadows (551.131 m²), protected since 1939 by the discipline on the "Protection of natural beuties" and recognized in 2012 as "Italian wonder".
Nestled at the foot of the Gran Paradiso massif, Cogne offers endless natural beauties that stretch as far as the eye toward the snowy peaks, grasslands and limpid streams courses. The basis for important alpine hikes, within the municipal area rises the peak of Gran Paradiso 4061 m. a.s.l., which is the highest italian peak entirely in the italian territory.
Known worldwide for its numerous tracks of Nordic Ski World Cup, Cogne is a reference for winter sports.
The king Vittorio Emanuele II spent here its hunting holidays, as well as many of the representatives of the arising italian industry of the first years of 1900. Place full of traditions, nature, attention to the environment make the small city a very attractive destination for summer and winter tourism.
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Photo: archive PNGP